the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

xmas is for kids, or at least it should be

At least that is what I'm trying to convince our relatives. I'm sick and tired of receiving and giving unappreciated gifts. How many times do I have to advise my parents not to buy me clothing because they don't know my style? Plus, now that we live in a small town, I will have to drive a good hour if I plan on trying to return or exchange any of the gifts that I receive.

So we've spread the word that adults are off of our Christmas list this year. Feel free to get the kids some new toys, but please keep your money and send me a well written card instead. Or better yet, get the kids some clothing instead. We've got enough toys around the house.

Now I know that certain individuals thrive on shopping during the holidays and they have this belief that they have the power to find the perfect gift for everyone, but they're wrong. Even if you feel you know someone well, you'd be hard pressed to find them the *perfect* gift unless they actually tell you ahead of time. Heck, I've been married for over ten years now, and I still don't know what would make the perfect gift for my wife.

Sorry for such a humbug post, but the holidays are on my nerves this year, and ever since we quit watching television, I'm able to see this holiday for what it is - an excuse to bolster the economy. And no, going to church once a year at Christmas doesn't mean that you remember what Christmas is all about.

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