the search for reclaimed material
It's official. We're going to be building our new house using as much reclaimed material as possible. We've been watching Craiglist and eBay like hawks, and I also keep my eye on local newspaper and forum classifieds, too. I've already picked up some old solid wood doors which should look fabulous once refinished. There are some great deals to be found, if you have the time to wait for the right things to surface (which we do). I also ran across a great site called, which conveniently searches for reclaimed materials on both Craigslist and eBay at the same time. Although that may not sound like a big deal, what makes this site especially useful is the fact that it filters the results for you. If you've ever tried to search eBay for secondhand construction materials, you quickly find yourself sifting through hundreds if not thousands of search results, most of which are not applicable. This site somehow filters most out most of the bad matches. It also lets you designate that you only want matches near your zip code, which is especially helpful for items that can't be economically shipped. Check it out if you're ever in the market for reclaimed materials, secondhand doors and windows. Just don't bet against me on eBay!
Labels: reclaimed lumber, reclaimed materials, secondhand doors, secondhand windows, used hardwoods, vintage appliances
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