the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

giving thanks for a good month

Last month, business was good. Exceptionally good, in fact. Almost good enough to make up for the crappy performance I am seeing this month.

Internet revenue is like that. One month it will exceed your expectations, and the next you'll hit a dry spell - for no apparent reason. While this is all well and good for campaigns generating passive income, it becomes particularly disparaging when your active projects result in very little income.

At this point, my interest in taking on more web design work is waning. I am tired of dealing with people who do not know what they want. Perhaps it is my own fault for not getting concrete instruction from them in the first place. But as a recent client told me, "We just don't know what we want our new website to look like. But we know what we DON'T want." It drives me nuts to hear this.

I guess I have a funny way of giving thanks, eh? Some would say it sounds a little like complaining. ;)

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