the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

voting for someone younger than me

This year, I placed two votes for candidates that were actually younger than me. This is the first time that this has ever happened. Granted, both candidates were part of the green party and are running against long-time political veterans, so the chances of them actually making it into office are pretty slim. None-the-less, I like what they stood for, and I feel that we need some new blood for our state representatives. It was strange imagining someone who is my younger brother's age representing us in Washington. I know that shouldn't matter, and that it is technically a form of age discrimination, but I can't help but compare these individuals to other people their age who tend to be less mature. They don't have much experience, either. In fact, when they say "green" party, they really mean "green". But I voted for them because I think we need new ideas and more out-of-the-box ideas. Anyone with a long political history is going to vote with the status quo, regardless of whether it is the best decision for us.

I also decided to vote with my heart this year for the presidential candidate, even if it means that I am theoretically tossing my vote away. I'm tired of the stigma behind voting for third parties. If we continue to only vote for the top two choices presented (even when neither of them is appealing to us), we'll never see any real change implemented in this country, and we'll never have someone whom we feel is adequately representing our interests. I was actually leaning towards Obama until he showed support for the Bush bailout plan, which I believe was (and probably still is) against the will of the majority of Americans. Passing that plan was a slap in the face, and you can see what good it has done. My candidate probably won't make it into office, but at least I have taken a stand for what I believe in. And perhaps he can step up to the plate when the next loser gets impeached.

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