the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

the diarrhea diet

I was recently reading about a new "miracle" diet pill that basically forces the body to have diarrhea all the time. I don't know about you, but I what I ant to know is what is the point of losing weight, if you're stuck in a bathroom stall and nobody can see it? Honestly, I think this stuff is ridiculous, and a perfect example of what is wrong with our image-obsessed society. Rather than trying to lose weight via miracle diet pills or whatever is being hailed this week as the quickest fat burner, why the heck can't people just take a walk? Why can't people try and eat a little healthier?

I've heard all the excuses..."I don't know how to cook something healthy. I don't have any time to exercise. I drink diet soda." When all it really takes is some moderation and light exercise. Now I understand that some individuals may be predisposed to retaining weight, due to genetics or even environmental factors. But that doesn't mean that they have to totally give up on the idea of eating healthy. And there's no reason why anyone should have to opt for some mega-vitamin dietary supplement to get their intake of popular "super-foods".

I'm a guy. I'm not supposed to be the one who cooks in my family, if you believe in traditional gender stereotypes. But I do. I cook more than my wife, and (for the most part) I think I do pretty good at it. So I see it as my responsibility to provide something healthy for my family to eat. It beats depending on a bunch of flavor-of-the-week dietary supplements to take care of potential weight problems.

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