the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

the politicals are dancing...on our graves

Why is it that nobody in politics can take a single step forward unless it is self-serving in some way? From local municipal government to the white house, everyone is in it for themselves. I suppose that we could blame it on unchecked capitalism, but that may be just a cop-out. It's our won fault, really - for allowing it to get this bad. Perhaps the concept of "baby-steps" has bitten us. By allowing things to gradually get worse little-by-little, nobody raised concern.

I once heard that you can't cook a frog by dropping him directly into boiling water, because he will hop out as soon as he feels the heat. However, if you place him in cool water, and gradually increase the heat to boiling, he will stay in and get cooked.

That's us now - the United Frogs of America.
We're cooked.

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