the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Monday, May 12, 2008

your stimulation plans?

With the first round of recipients having received their economic stimulus checks, I can't help but wonder what this is supposed to achieve. I understand that we're supposed to spend this money, but with the economy and job markets in the toilet, doesn't it make more sense to put it into a savings account? Does it really make sense to take this unexpected bonus and blow it on *more things*? Isn't that what got us into this pickle in the first place - the spending of our cash (and credit) on bigger, better, and faster products that we didn't necessarily need in the first place?

For some, I'm sure that this check from the government will be a God-send. It will assist some Americans in paying their rent or utility bills. Or perhaps many will use it to offset the rising cost of gas for the next six months or so. These are noble appropriations of funds, I'm sure, but what ever happened to the old "teach a man to fish" proverb? Instead of throwing the American taxpayer a bone in the form of a "stimulus check", why not do something about the inflation that we are seeing, to better help with longterm expenses?

We wouldn't be so strapped for cash in the first place if we weren't paying so many taxes, or if our livelihood wasn't so dependent on oil.

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