the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Saturday, April 12, 2008

the self-employment shuffle

I recently came up with a new approach at scheduling my time as a self-employed web geek - sticking to a schedule! I know, I know. It's a novel idea, right? But all of the extra time I was spending at night and on weekends was really taking its toll and I had to establish a set schedule to get things back in order. I'm still not 100% sure that self-employment is going to work for me for the long term, though. I still keep my eyes on the classifieds and help wanted ads in our local newspaper, just in case the "perfect job" appears. And I will admit that when I saw this tagline for a new job search website:

Jump Start Your Day & Career with itzbig

I went ahead and checked it out. It was quick and painless; reminds me a bit of the popular job search sites, but enhanced with a social networking type of interface. I gave them a unique email address so as to watch out for affiliated spam - nothing yet. The site has lots of flash and dynamic data entry, as opposed to the grueling "edit and submit" loopback that I seemed to be stuck in with most job profile sites. What I really like about it is the fact that it does a percentage match for the type of job you are looking for, based on your experience, location and education. Which is better than the tens of other sites that simply ask where you live and make you search through pages and pages of irrelevant positions and all of those "self-starter" pyramid model scams.

Of course, it didn't find the "perfect job" for me, but that's not likely to happen anytime soon, regardless of where I am looking. And that's my own fault, because I still haven't figured out what it is that I really want to do when I grow up. ;)

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