the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

what happens when help is not affordable?

In my last post, I mentioned that an individual had just died from a drug overdose in my new hometown. It is sad that he died with some of his friends (and possibly some of his relatives) having known of his addiction. Some might even try to pin some of the blame on them, for not pushing him to go for help. Others will say that it was the individual's own fault for not seeking help on his own. But in many ways, I wonder if our society doesn't make the act of getting help more difficult than continuing to indulge in one's addictions.

Kicking a habit is of course very difficult, but simply trying to find someone or someplace that can show you the way should be easier. One shouldn't have to feel ashamed because he or she can only afford local treatment from a government funded institution. Unfortunately, there are so many sources who perpetrate the belief that the only way to get help is to enroll yourself into an expensive private drug rehab institute for some type of anonymous luxury addiction treatment program.

Like everything else in this capitalistic country, rehab has apparently become a commodity. Unless you're willing to pay tons of cash for it, it must not be worth it to even try. At least that's the attitude I am seeing on the internet these days. Put your money where your mouth is.

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