the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

is teaching for me?

So my wife tells me today that the local high school is hiring an art teacher, and that I should look into it, if I'm interested. It may be just the thing that I need right now. I've been so disenchanted with web design and the internet. Perhaps teaching would be just the thing to revive some sense of better purpose in my life.

I must admit that I am a little nervous about the idea, though. Even though I haven't even applied yet, I'm unsure if I would make a good teacher or not. We're talking young impressionable minds here. The teenage years in particular are very volatile for most people, and I remember how much of a hard time I had as a teen. Can I handle the drama? What about the hormones, drugs and the cliques? Can I inspire and act as a positive role model? (Me, positive?) Can I file the rather large chip on my shoulder and put on a happy face so that these kids feel that they have a future in art to look forward to? All very tough questions for me to answer.

There would also be the culture shift of suddenly working for "the man", since this would be a publish school (local government) position. I'd have to get back into the habit of waking early, dressing professionally, and socializing again (as opposed to waking when I feel like it, wearing my casual duds, and generally avoiding people). I must be crazy to even be considering this. But I could use the stable income, benefits, and the change of environment. And my wife says that I am a very patient teacher.

Then there's the financial cost of taking on such a position. I'd probably have to bulk up my wardrobe a little. (Jeans and t-shirts may not be suitable for every day.) Do teachers still carry briefcases? Or do they carry laptop bags? Or both? Or some newfangled briefcase with laptop compartments (about the size of one of those portable massage tables)? My wife and I may also need to get a second car for when our work schedules clash. Right now, mine is flexible and we've survived on one vehicle for over three years. I may even have to pick up - *gasp* - a cellphone so that we can coordinate our schedules throughout the day.

I'll also have to consider the comforts of home that I'd be giving up; home-cooked lunches for microwave meals and mushy zip-locked sandwiches; great background music for obnoxious teen ambiance; my comfy office massage chair for some standard issue wooden reject that probably gets passed on to the newbie teacher each year. Not to mention the ability to suddenly take the day off without notice...

And what if this job ends up being so much more than your typical leave-your-troubles-at-the-office type job? Can I isolate my newfound stress from my home life? Yes, I know. I should be more excited about this potential opportunity. If I apply and get this job, I could be given the chance to make a real difference in these kids' lives. I could open their minds a little - give them a new perspective; a real paradigm shift. And if I'm *really* lucky, I could even experience one of those "oh captain, my captain" moments, as seen in the movie Dead Poets Society. Or I could be totally unprepared for this very heavy responsibility, have a nervous breakdown, and make some stupid mistake that leaves a lasting negative impression on the lives of two dozen (or more) young adults. Yikes.

I need to think this over some more...

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