the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Saturday, February 02, 2008

bush acknowledges a suffering economy?

My neighbor was just informing me that there was an article in the paper that Bush just admitted that the economy is worse off than he thought. And this is news? I mean, come on! We're talking about a guy who only a couple of years ago hadn't heard of "The Google". What a complete moron.

But I guess if you live in la-la-land, you may not notice certain things. Like the fact that American workers' 401k plans are falling into the toilet, or that the real estate market is falling apart across the country. Let's face it. Nobody in the white house is ever going to care about the problems of real Americans because they aren't affected by any of them. They're not going to care that social security is doomed, because they don't pay into it. They don't care about tax, pension or business reform because they're covered under some of the most lucrative golden parachute policies in existence. They only push for some sort of change when their corporate sponsors tell them to.

And when one of the "approved" candidates makes it into office and doesn't deliver on any of the changes that they are all promising, will anyone do anything about it? Will the American public hold them responsible for making false promises? Yeah, right. And next they'll revolt.

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