the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

i hate internet exploder

Okay, I'm just going to have to vent here a little. As a web designer, I am getting so sick and tired of having to tweak my CSS so that it displays correctly in Internet Explorer. It would be one thing if I was trying to create some sort of tricky drop down menus or other elite CSS effect, but I'm talking basic DIV styling and positioning, and IE can't seem to handle it.

On top of that, there's the old transparent PNG and hover issues that older versions of Explorer choke on, that I still need to consider whenever I am designing a new site. Sure, there's a big part of me that wants to say, "Hey, if you're on an old browser, that's just too bad!" But then the luddite in me understands the idea that if something ain't broken, don't fix it. But the problem is this...

Internet Explorer IS broken!!! And it has always been horrible. Aside from the headaches that it causes web designers, let's look at the security flaws. You have no idea how often I used to run into hijacking and trojan problems when using IE, at least prior to installing some serious anti-spyware and popup blocker software. And even then, it was hit-or-miss. Sometimes, you could surf clean and walk away knowing that when you fire up IE you'd still see your homepage show up. But at other times, your homepage would miraculously switch to some crappy search page that you'd never heard of before. You can thank Microsoft and their Browser helper functionality...ugh!

Of course, now I use Firefox...almost exclusively. Unfortunately, there's still that large portion of the population that surfs with IE simply because it is what their computer came with. And it is for those poor misguided souls that I have to retain a copy of IE on my computer so that i can cross-check every site I do in IE (and subsequently tweak all of my perfect looking pages in Firefox so that they look similar in IE). I just can't stand it.

People want to rally behind a cause. They want to "stick it to the man" - well, here's an idea: get yourself a better browser and quit relying on the virus fodder that comes preloaded on your PC.

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