the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

frightened of lasik?

I was talking to my wife last night about how much fun it might be to start a softball team with some of the other parents in our town..nothing too competitive. Just for fun, really. I was thinking co-ed...maybe even using a cabbage-ball so that nobody feels too intimidated. (It also makes things cheaper since nobody would have to buy gloves and gear.)

It's been a while since I have played any type of competitive sports, though. So long in fact that the last time I did, I wasn't wearing glasses. These days, I need my glasses for everything but close-up reading. If I get up in the middle of the night to use the restroom, I need to make sure that I'm wearing my glasses or I miss the toilet. Yep, it's that bad.

Si I've been toying around with having lasik done for quite some time. Every time I have gone in for new glasses, my eye doctor tells me that I'm a good candidate for it. But I haven't ever followed through. I'm not exactly sure why. It's not like I've heard a bunch of horror stories about it. I just have this problem with anything touching my eyes. In fact, I tend to have problems with thinking about surgery of any kind - it makes me feel nauseous. i can't really explain it. It even affects me with my children. For example, my daughter had to have an extra tooth extracted once, and listening to the oral surgeon when he was explaining what he was going to do make me sick to my stomach. I almost passed out.

So, now that I'm toying around with the idea of playing sports again, the topic of lasik eye surgery has come up again. It's still fairly expensive, with most estimates coming in at around $1000 an eye. But I guess that's not too bad if you figure the cost of new glasses every year or so. Of course, I'm one of those people who doesn't bother getting new glasses until I notice that my eyesight has degenerated extensively. Every time that I have gotten new glasses, it becomes this huge debacle.

Last year, I picked up new glasses at Sears and they screwed *everything* up. they got the prescriptions wrong, the lens coatings...even my bill was messed up. one of the women that my wife works with recently ordered her glasses online - I may have to try that next time, assuming that I am still chickening out when it comes to the lasik procedure.

I can always get those eyeglass straps for when we start our softball team, right?

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