the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Saturday, January 05, 2008

beware the cult of ron paul

So what's the deal with Ron Paul supporters? They act like born-again Christians or something - almost like a cult. Sure, I like much of what he says, too, but the guy wants to take government control from the feds and hand it down to the state level of government. As much as I'd love to put the power back into the hands of the people, and I understand that he believes that moving it into the state's control is a step in the right direction, it scares the hell out of me to think what the state governments would get away with, if left unchecked by big brother.

Remember how certain states (like Louisiana) had counties that could seize your vehicle if they caught you speeding and you didn't have the $200 in cash to payoff the cop? Remember how bad racism still is in many areas of the South? The only kind of thing that is keeping them in check is the citizen's option to appeal to a higher court. Take that away and we're back to pre-civil wars days all over again. Then again, seeing where some of Ron Paul's campaign contributions are coming from (KKK and white power groups), that only makes sense to me.

That's another thing I don't like about Paul. He accepts money from some of the most belligerent racist groups in the country. Anyone with an ounce of integrity would tear those checks in half.

So who am I voting for? Good question. At this moment, I'm still leaning towards Dennis Kucinich. I like that he doesn't allow anyone to buy him out, and I like much of what he says he stands for. I like the idea of a national healthcare system, too. Call me a socialist, but it seems to work better in other countries than what we've got going here now. The idea of having an already corrupt government take over things like a national health care system is scary, but only if we can't instigate some major changes, and I think Kucinich will. The only thing I've read about him that I don't like are his stances on stricter gun control, and there are also some rumors that have been floating around about his lack of management skills under his previous mayoral terms in Ohio.

The gun control stuff bothers me, but not as much as I would have thought. Americans will never allow their arms to be seized, regardless of whether or not a president is behind it. As for his management skills, I'd rather have someone with poor management skills and god principles than the other way around. He'll have lots of support when in the white house to help brush up on management skills. You can't teach someone integrity, though. They either have it or they don't.

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Blogger Gunner Sykes said...

"But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother."

George Orwell

'nuff said.

8:17 PM

Blogger canal boy said...

LOL. Well I hope you'll be happy with little brother then, and his unchecked mob mentality.

9:27 PM


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