the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Sunday, December 16, 2007

weight for the holidays

One of the other things that I am not looking forward to this holiday season is the binging and drinking that will likely boost my belly another ten pounds. As much as I enjoy eating, and eating with guests and family even more so, I hate feeling like I have to stuff myself during the holidays. Everyone always cooks far too much food, and everyone wants you to try what they made. Then there are the sweets and the alcohol that don't help.

For one year, I managed to eat a normal meal at Christmas, and that was when we were trying to be vegetarians. For this year, now that we're back in the South, I'm sure that there will be at least one deep fried item to help stack the weight on, and clog my arteries with crispy goodness. By new year's day, I should probably add a detoxification session and thorough colon cleanse to my list of resolutions to get my digestive tract back to normal.

Fortunately, we have decided to stay home for the holidays, instead of traveling to see all of our family. Sure, it won't be as cheery and we'll miss seeing everyone, but it will assist us in our attempt to keep the holidays more low key, and the friends and neighbors that we do decide to eat with aren't as likely to produce such a spread of food as my family would be.

Winter just sucks, because there isn't as much that you can do to exercise outdoors because it is so cold, and yet there are all of these holidays where you do an exorbitant amount of eating and drinking. Why can't most of these holidays occur during the warmer months?

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