the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Monday, December 17, 2007

the safest investment?

With the U.S. economy in the toilet, I had been watching my 401k slip in value, so I finally decided to switch my funds to a basic interest-bearing account. I know that the "experts" say to leave it in place for the long haul, but after seeing many coworkers lose their life savings, I am actually thinking about taking the tax hit and cashing it out. It seems like the right thing to do, as the paranoid conspiracy theorist in me worries about some sort of mass revolt occurring in the near future, at which time any funds in my 401k will probably disappear. Sure, it's sad to even think of these types of things, but I believe that Americans are upset with the state of the nation, and when the next president is in place and he/she fails to fix these problems, I wonder what will happen. And before you go spouting off that so-and-so is the perfect candidate and that he/she will make things better, let me just say that you're all dreaming. The current system of government that we have right now will never let itself be fixed.

Our government runs on the money of big business. The only way to fix it, in my opinion, is to remove money from the equation. Take away the campaign funding, the lobbyists, and everything else that causes elected representatives to value the requests of corporations over individuals and we may be off to a good start. I also believe that we need to re-evaluate all of the individual rights that have been taken away from us over the years, and make the government answerable to the people, instead of the other way around.

So until all of this happens, what do we do? If I am right..if a revolution may occur in the near future, what should we do to prepare? Do we start learning basic survival techniques? Do we search for abandoned missile silos and bunkers built by ex millennium bug refugees, or is it a better idea to dump our money into gold and silver? I even thought about looking for land for sale in the middle of nowhere...some place remote...some place where one could be left alone and totally self-sustained. But with the latest eminent domain laws that have been established, even real property can be snatched away from us.

So I guess we just go on living our lives the way that *they* want us to, until somebody can come up with a better idea.

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