the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Monday, November 19, 2007

the travel bug

We've been feeling like traveling again lately. However, my wife and I are desiring a trip *without* the kids. Is that so bad? We've already got a vacation planned for Disney World early next year that is sure to be a fun-filled time for the entire family. But what about us adults? When do we get a break?

I'm thinking of scheduling a separate vacation for just the wife and me. First we'll travel to our parents' houses, where we can drop of the kids with their grandparents. While they are visiting for a week or two, my wife and I can play the part of jet-setting travelers, hopefully checking out some new parts of the country that we haven't seen before.

Sometimes we feel guilty though for wanting to vacation without the kids. Is it wrong to want some time to ourselves? Is it wrong to stick the kids with the grandparents for a week or two? The grandparents love the idea, so where's the hurt? Are our kids going to remember and resent us for not taking them? I guess they'll just have to learn to live with it. We occasionally need time to ourselves, to spend time together without the constant chattering and bickering of our children. We need to be able to take a road trip without hearing the words "are we there yet?" shouted from the rear seat every ten minutes. We'd like to be able to actually sleep on a boring airplane journey for a change. And most of all, we'd like to unwind and get to know each other a little more without the interruption of school, diapers, sibling rivalry, and chewing gum.



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