the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Monday, November 19, 2007

shopping cart software - just do it

Here's another example of something not worth trying on your own - shopping cart software. I've had several clients over the years who were interested in their own online ordering and payment processing system, but in most cases I've steered them in the direction of third party solutions. Why? Simple - because there is no sense in trying to reinvent the wheel. Unless their application of online ordering is so unique and specialized that an existing solution isn't available (which is extremely unlikely), it just isn't worth the time and effort to program something from scratch.

Programming is expensive. Hourly rates generally start at $30, and that's on the low "bargain" front. I know guys that can fetch as much as $150 an hour for certain projects. And with so many available solutions already in existence, the hardest part is finding one that will work for what you are needing, and making sure that the company behind it is reputable and provides reliable support.

One that comes to mind is the E-Commerce solutions offered by Network Solutions. I was recently given an opportunity to review their offering. If you've ever had anything to do with the web or at least web domains, you've probably heard of Network Solutions, or "Netsol" for short. They were the leader in domain registrations for so many of the early years of the internet that it was generally believed that they were the only registrar in existence. While they have since found themselves in considerable competition when it comes to domain name registration, their reputation is still hard to beat. Although I have registered many domains with other companies over the last year or two, I still have a number of my "top priority" domains that I keep registered at Network Solutions, because I value these domains more and know that Netsol won't do anything inadvertently to mess them up.

Simple domain registration may not mean that much to you, but when it comes to other features like web hosting and e-commerce solutions, reputation is everything. Netsol's reputation is rock solid. When it comes to shopping cart software, you don't want to play around with your customers. Unless you're some fly-by-night operation, you want to make sure that your store looks good, it functions flawlessly, and you've got immediate support when you have questions. Network Solutions offers free 24/7 support for all of their e-commerce solutions. You get advanced features like data center security monitoring, and even CISP certification.

Best of all, they throw in the domain name for free, which means you get the value and dedication of a Netsol domain without the typical domain price. Others may offer cheaper solutions, but in most cases they can only offer deals because they are cutting corners somewhere else. I know customers who have tried bargain shopping cart solutions and ended up making a horrible first impression with their new online customers. Don't make the same mistake. If you value the relationship with your online customer base, don't cut corners. You only have one chance to make a first impression.

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