the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Friday, November 23, 2007

post number 503

Wow - my 500th post came and went so fast that I didn't even notice. I suppose that I should celebrate in some way, or attempt to wax poetic about how things have changed since I first started this blog. But the truth is that I haven't changed by attitude towards blogging all that much. While I am definitely more accustomed to it, I'm still not as excited about it. I don't buy the rock-star mentality that the "a-list" bloggers try to carry, and I still feel like so much of the blogosphere is a joke.

But who am I to complain, right? My blog isn't groundbreaking. If anything, I use it more as a soapbox than a place to interact with online readers. Is that so bad? Some people make art for therapy and others do it for fame and glory. For me, blogging is the same way - I do it for therapy, and to make an occasional quick buck here or there when I can do it without compromising my values or my integrity.

The paid blogging industry has changed quite a bit. New companies have come and gone. New ideas have appeared, some without notice. I've been fooled by a few of them, but for the most part everything has been self-explanatory and typical. I've been lazy about trackbacks and commenting on others blogs, but it's hard to think of longevity when it comes to a third party hosted blog. I've got a new blog that I am going to launch soon, this time on my own domain. We'll see how that goes.

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