the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

darn you, michael moore

You've done it again - you've made me feel like hating the country that I live in. Last night we watched Michael Moore's latest documentary, entitled Sicko, and I walked away feeling much the same way I had felt after watching several of his other films...

"We should move to Canada," I said to my wife as we settled into bed. It was the same thing I had said after seeing Bowling For Columbine. Only this time, I added, "Or France."

It's difficult to say how much of his films are based on fact and how much have been embellished. But the fact that his films appeal to so many disenchanted Americans says something about the state of our country. Those who shoot down his films and get so angry about his inferences do little to provide any sort of proof that Moore is incorrect. The news media obviously isn't going to rally behind any of his anti-establishment causes, as the media is run by the establishment and totally self-serving...or government-serving. Then again, isn't it all the same machine?

The French have an interesting attitude towards government. Although revolt is never taken lightly, it's also no kamikaze act. French citizens know that they can assemble and spread peaceful dissension without being arrested as "terrorists". We no longer enjoy the same freedoms. Even labor strikes could be seen as "threats to the American economy" and therefore acts of terrorism under our current U.S. regime...

It's difficult to swallow the "United" part of "United States" anymore. How can anyone say that we are united when we fight so much amongst ourselves, when there is such a division of classes?

Moore rests most of the blame on our government, but I suspect that there are other factors at work in this country. Those enjoying great prosperity aren't going to give up their wealth and superiority without a fight. And the rest of us are all to blame for standing by and letting things deteriorate as badly as they have.

The media tries to say that all of Moore's films are propaganda with little truth behind them, and yet many of the fact stated are available from direct sources, such as the Human Development Reports issued by the United Nations. Nobody can argue when Moore questions why the supposed "best country in the world" (the United States) ranks 12th, below counties like Sweden, Australia, France and Canada. Ah, but we're Americans. We don't need (or trust) the United Nations, right? That's what our president would have you believe.

Simply bury your head in the sand and ignore anyone who doesn't agree with you, even if it means cutting off the rest of the world. Just because we have our own continent (which we reluctantly share with Canada, Mexico and the South Americans) doesn't mean that we are "an island."

It really makes me sick to see such statistics, but by looking around we know them to be true. Health insurance is a nightmare in the United States. Our citizens are in horrible health. Our lifestyles contribute to our bad health, and our crappy insurance (or lack-thereof) only compound it. It's just difficult to determine what we can do about it. Short of a revolution, what good are our phone-calls and letters to congressmen going to do when compared with the millions and millions being placed in their campaign funds by corporations? The people need to take back control of their government.

In short, we need somebody like Tony Benn to run for U.S. president!



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