the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Friday, October 19, 2007

work for hire versus work for me

I'm having a dilemma. I've always considered myself something of an artist, and as an artist I am stubborn. I like to do things for me. Work for hire has never really been that enjoyable for me. I don't mind creating things that others will enjoy. I just like to be in control. I am a control freak. This was something that I realized fairly quickly back in college when I was getting my art degree, but I am starting to experience it again in my professional career.

As a web designer, I enjoy designing websites for myself, but I get annoyed with clients who want me to do things "their way". Usually, it has to do with taste and an understanding of the web (and their lack of it). maybe it's my fault and my responsibility to "enlighten" them, but not everyone wants to hear it.

Sometimes it also has to do with me creating sites that I see very little value in. I know that everybody wants to have a presence on the internet, but what do they have to say? If the answer to that is just to have a website that says "hey, look at me", what's the point? Why should we look at you? What makes it worth my time to look at you (or in my case to create something for others to look at?).

I guess I'm just having a bad day or something...

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