the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Friday, October 26, 2007

diet pills for kids

The latest controversy stemming form the pharmaceutical industry has to do with diet pills for children. Personally, I find it repulsive that we've put ourselves into this situation, but I am not surprised. After all, our kids are only going to eat as good as their role models do, and as role models for eating we should be ashamed of ourselves. The American population is a fat population.

I believe that our eating habits are warped. We're not the only country to price itself in its food, but we are one of the few that has no respect for eating as an experience. In most other countries, eating is a respected traditional experience that is allowed as much time as it takes to do so comfortably. I believe that our "fast food" approach to living is what is killing us off. And I'm not just referring to the food.

We've got synthetic alternatives to everything healthy and natural. From vitamin supplements to fake tans to liposuction, it seems like every new exploding industry is an attempt to substitute lazy man-made health for a healthy active lifestyle. I am guilty myself. I don't get the exercise that I should, and I don't take as much time as I should to sit down and appreciate every meal. Instead, I'm forced to sit and contemplate whee I have to be next, what kind of deadline I am facing, or why I don't have time to properly chew that food flowing into my belly.

It's really sad, and I wouldn't be surprised if over time we find that our country is comparatively challenged in its life expectancy.

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