the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Monday, September 17, 2007

from baby to boy

My mother was looking at some photos of our son the other day and made the comment that he no longer looks like a baby anymore. He now looks like a little boy. At first, I laughed, and then it hit me that she was correct. When did this happen?

All of a sudden our baby is a boisterous little boy. He's still in diapers (which we are working on), but aside from that the gurgling, googling and cuddly little tike has changed his persona. He's more independent. He's changed his taste in toys and in food. It's amazing, really. When we're kids, our parents are always saying that we grow up too fast. As children, we think the exact opposite. After all, high school could never pass fast enough for me. But now I understand my parents' sentiments exactly. You turn your eyes for a moment and your kid is about to start school. Turn away once more, and they're on their first date.

My son will be having his birthday soon. We're still undecided on what kind of party we want to throw for him. The idea of a tribe of three year olds running and screaming around our home is a nightmare to me. But we've got to have a party for him, right? So we've picked up all of the standard items - the cake mix, the icing, the balloons and streamers, the party invitations, and the plates and cups. We thought about renting a "moon walk" or having the party somewhere else, but at this age it almost seems like overkill. After all, the kids don't even know what a birthday really means yet. I just hope that most of the parents decide to stay with their children, instead of dropping them off. This age still borders on the curious toddler phase, and while our home is quite baby proof, I hate the idea of chasing each kid around.

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