the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Monday, August 20, 2007

toy withdrawal?

As a newbie father, I'm not quite sure how to handle this...

My daughter is obsessed with her toys...specifically her stuffed animals, and we are actually running out of room for all of her stuff. My wife and I quit buying them for her a few years back, but the relatives continue to reward her with new plush gifts for nearly every greeting card occasion. While once content sending gifts for the "big" holidays like Christmas and for birthdays, our kids now receive Halloween bears, annoying singing frigs with plush hearts for Valentine's Day, green creatures for St. Patrick's Day, etc., etc. My father even felt the need to purchase her a lot of 400 beanie babies off of eBay several years back. At first, he presented them to us stating that they were an "investment" that might someday be worth money. But you don't give an "investment" to a preschooler and expect them to stay in mint condition.

Now, the disciplinarian (and space saver) in me says to just take the ones that she no longer plays with regularly and ship them off to the local thrift store or Salvation Army. However, she plays with all of them. She seems to go through regular rotations of her plush toys, and strangely remembers them all. Our next idea was to get rid of the ones that were shabby or not of the highest quality. So we removed any of the ghetto ones filled with carnie-style styrofoam pellets, and kept the fancier gund and other name-brand ones for prosperity. She didn't throw too much of a fit about losing the ones that weren't very "plush" in the first place. But she has thrown huge fits over some of the ones that we disposed of because they were ripped, torn, or just plain falling apart.

So what do you do. I got rid of a small stuffed panda bear several years back as a retaliation for her not picking up her toys, and she *still* brings it up (along with a tear in her eye) to this day. Is there such a thing as toy withdrawal, or toy mourning?

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