the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

400 posts strong

This is the 400th post for this blog, and it also marks one year of blogging here. Much has changed since I first started blogging. This blog has fanned out a bit to include more than just my typical rants - after all, nobody wants to be known as someone who just has a chip on their shoulder. I also believe that my foray into the world of paid blogging has been successful, as I've managed to make some extra cash here and there without "selling out" or giving up my approach of "telling it like it is".

Looking back, my only regret was not setting up my own blog on my own domain. Using Blogger is easy enough, but it doesn't get you the respect and Google juice like having your own domain. But I must admit that I probably wouldn't have started blogging when I did if it wasn't for Blogger making it to simple to sign up and get started. I have since installed several different blogging software solutions, and while Wordpress is often exalted as *the* blogging platform of choice, it still involves a certain sense of web design acuity to make it look unique.

I can't guarantee that I'll keep using this free Blogger site forever, but if I do switch to my own domain, I'll be sure and provide a link. Thanks for reading!



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