the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

where's the love? where's the loyalty?

It is fairly apparent that we live in a world where any kind of respect or feelings of "homeland" have seriously eroded. I'll admit to having somewhat radical views of society and I don't like the direction that the United States has headed, but that is because I believe that the US has great potential and could be a much better country if we could just fix some injustices and shift some of our priorities. It's not because I hate living here.

I just finished reading an article over at the BBC about some Islamic extremists who held a demonstration in which they prompted a crowd to bomb the UK, and among other nasty things called for the blood of UK soldiers. The saddest part about this is that these men were UK citizens. What gives?

If these extremists have such a problem with the policies of the UK, then why live there? Are they only living there to plot and plan terrorist acts? Each of the men arrested have been given six years of prison as a result for their acts and words, which were caught on video.

As much as I don't feel much affinity for the right wingers and their oil war, it is acts like this that make me feel like these evil people need to be eradicated. Anyone can speak out and protest against acts of war, but to suggest that the soldiers of one's own country should die and that they want to see "their blood running in the streets of Baghdad" should face a charge of death. At first I was thinking exile, but they'd only end up joining the ranks of extremist suicide bombers in some place like Gaza. This is straight-up violent and terrorist behavior. I don't care what your religion is. Six years is a slap on the wrist. Those bastards got off easy.



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