the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

oh my goth!

Lately there has been a rash of "free" internet dating sites spreading across the net. While I definitely see "free" sites as a good thing, many of them seem scammy in some way and sometimes end up being fronts for affiliate links to other dating sites. You've seen them - they say that they are for mature dating, but they have twenty-somethings on the front page. So it is always with a bit of reluctance that I agree to review new online dating sites.

The latest opportunity is for GothScene, which as the name implies is an online goth dating site that caters to the nocturnal in all of us. Further investigation reveals that there is definitely some legitimacy in their offering. I was half expecting cheerleaders or something else that would indicate no grasp on true "goth" culture, but instead I get a site with some typical hot topic teens and their dedicated fans. Their listed gothic singles base seems to primarily hover somewhere between 18 and 30 years of age, with the occasional basement-dwelling grandpa looking for kicks (or was that kinks?).

While it is obvious that not everyone with a profile on the site is a "goth", you have to allow for a certain amount of leniency when you consider the fact that lots of people are turned on by gothic fashion and gothic women. Some of the men even look like gang-bangers and "homeys", but it is difficult to determine if that is truly the case or if they are simply victims of the recent shift in gothic fashions to combine raver pants with extraneous buckles and zippers. I lament the time when goth fashion meant more "new romantic" styles, but now I am just showing my age and anyone else who feels the same way may only be several years away from the aforementioned grandpas looking for kicks (and nostalgia).

So it's always nice to get an opportunity to review a dating site that looks "real" for the niche market they are targeting, and the site seems fairly easy to navigate. I wish them the best.

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