the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

hosting your own blog domains or forwarding them?

I've been toying around with the idea of trying out Blogger's option to point a domain to a Blogger blog. I know that there are many advantages to hosting your own blog, but there are also limitations in hosting plans that need to be considered. I have about 150 domain names right now, of which about a dozen have developed sites. The rest are parked and waiting for me to develop (or sell) them. I've gotten into the habit of building most of my new sites using the Drupal CMS because I dig its functionality and I have a good grasp on how to customize it for my needs. However, Drupal seems to eat up server resources quite a bit, and I am sometimes hesitant to install anew Drupal database on the same server, since I already have several running.

So I've been debating the pro's and con's of point some domains to either a Blogger or Wordpress blog for some future blogging projects. I realize that this means I will not have control to install and customize to my heart's desire, but that may not be an issue for a barebones blogging site. Also, it may help with SEO and links back to my other sites, since the links will be coming from Blogger and Wordpress servers instead of my own.

I'd be interested in hearing anyone else's experience in forwarding a domain to your blogspot/blogger blog or Wordpress blog. I know that some of the blog revenue programs penalize you for not having your own domain. I wonder if they would still penalize for having a domain that points to a blogspot blog? I understand that Blogger has a feature that sllows you to officially point the domain, not just forward and mask it (which would result in duplicate content). Since Blogger is owned by Google, this might be a good way to get a blogspot blog indexed fairly quickly under an actual domain name.

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