quit your day job!
I bet you thought this was going to be another one of those "buy my e-book and i'll show you how" messages...nope!
Rather, this is just a simple message to all of the miserable workers out there - quit your job! Yes, that's right. Go out and quit. All of you Wal-Mart checkout people who can't say "hello" to your customers as they approach you in line, all of you McDonald's clerks who look at me like I'm from Pluto when I say "hi" to you first, and all of you bus drivers who speak in "grunt" dialect. Please, please - do all of us a favor and just quit. I can almost guarantee that you will be better off.
I learned at a young age that it isn't worth sticking it out at a crappy job, no matter how much money you're making. There's always something better around the corner, especially wen you're in one of those retail positions that are a dime a dozen, but your manager acts like he is the keeper of the goose that laid the golden egg.
So tell that boss where to go, get yourself out of that rut, and make the world a better place by saving us all form your attitude. It is nobody's fault but your own that you still work there.
Labels: employment, rant
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