the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

religion of hate

I grew up in Catholic schools, and I went to church every Sunday prior to turning 18. I understand most of the Bible and I get what (I think) Jesus was trying to teach us. However, what I don't understand is how the church has come to be so hateful. In my hometown, there is talk of a domestic partnership registry for homosexuals, and the right is, of course, up in arms at this proposal.

The one lesson from the bible that never seems to be followed by the church and many of its followers is to let God be the judge. Instead, the extreme right-wing Christian Radicals feel the need to condemn everyone for their sins, as if they themselves are without sin. Talk about glass houses. These are many of the same people who are gung ho about the war in the Middle East (I was going to say war on Iraq, but it is obvious at this point that Iraq is simply a springboard). What ever happened to "Thou Shall Not Kill"? I forgot to notice the footnote at the base of the ten commandments that states, "Unless they are Islamic Terrorists, then it's okay."

So I ask once again, how does this "God fearing" nation sleep at night?

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