the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Online Gameshows

The latest press release that I found on PayPerPost is for a new online game show site called With the current plague of online casino sites on the internet, it has been difficult for me to swallow the intentions any new gaming site that I run across these days. However, this one seems promising. Here's why:

- It's free to join.
- There's nothing to buy.
- No bogus "offers" to complete.
- They limit the "chance" to win to one account / email address.
- They state that they will not spam you.

Although there is a clause in their terms of use that allows them to change the terms of use at anytime, they currently appear quite innocent, so those of you looking for a gambling fix (but not wanting tons of spam from singing up) may find this site worth spending some time on (and hopefully earning some prizes at the same time).

One interesting approach for this site is that it sounds like the other users of the site get to decide who wins, as they vote for the best "responses" to each product. It sounds a little like getting paid to offer opinions of certain products, or explaining why exactly you want to win that product. The products featured are from reputable sponsors like, Linens & Things, and, so there's a good chance that there will be something for everyone. I just visited and saw a Target Gift card for $50m - not bad.



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