apply now for details!
Lately, I have been looking to pick up a part time job to bring in some extra cash. My last official (non-self-employed) position was with a large telecommunications corporation, and this was prior to us moving to our current smaller hometown. Since I worked for that telecom firm for over six years, it's been quite a while since I have been on a "job hunt" - particularly for a basic part-time job that I'm probably way over-qualified for in the first place.
As such, I have been surprised to see the hoops that I have had to jump through just to get to the interview process. I've applied for two jobs now, and both required that I fill out an application before they could even provide details on the job. Did a new law get passed or something? What is the point of having people waste their time filling out an application, only to find out later that it wasn't the job that they thought they were applying for?
We're talking basic details like hours expected, basic job functions, skills required, etc. Maybe it has something to do with the competitive market of this small tourism town, or maybe they are just "collecting resumes". Or maybe this is just the small business owner mindset. Whatever it is, I am getting annoyed with it, and don't feel like bending over backwards just to find out what the job involves.
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