the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Thursday, March 29, 2007

the journey or the destination?

So which type of person are you? Do you live for the journey or the destination? This is a theme that has popped up pretty often in my life, as I often feel like I have an "itch" that I can't seem to scratch every time I have settled down somewhere new. Sometimes I start to doubt my happiness, or question my original incentive for wanting to be where I am at, but then I realize that I'm just missing the journey once again.

How does this happen? What is it that makes certain people happy to just settle down, while others are itchin' to move on? Could it be that I have moved nearly once a year for the last decade? Or that my family moved me so far from home when I was a child, and I never re-established myself s a native in my new hometown? It's pretty hard to say - perhaps it is an inborn thing. Maybe I am just depressed. Or perhaps it is an age thing.

Maybe somewhere in my subconscious I have associated "settling down" with "old age" and I am avoiding it. But I had no problems tying the knot and having kids - just staying in one what is the deal? I could go off the conspiracy deep end, and blame it on the government or the "American Way" and how we ruin everything that was once "real", which might explain why my quest is often to find a new place that feels more life-like.

Perhaps I was just born in the wrong decade...or hell - the wrong century! Two hundred years ago, I would have been happy to explore the "west" and claim my own piece of land (at the government's expense!), raise a family, settle off of the land, not a computer. Talk about old fashioned. Geez.



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