the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Friday, March 30, 2007

holiday anticipation?

fight blogger's block suggested by Egyptian Home

"Are you looking forward to the next holiday? Why or why not?"

I thought that this prompt was appropriate, given my recent posts about Mother's Day. Sure, I could talk about Easter, but I'm on this Mother's Day kick right now, so let's keep things rolling. Am I looking forward to Mother's Day? Sure - why not? After all, this gives me an opportunity to dote on my lovely wife and hopefully show her some much-deserved appreciation for the very important role that she plays within our family. Unlike so many previous holidays, we're away from the troublesome branches of our family tree, so I don't have to worry about making obligational trips to the in-laws' homes, and suffering through uncomfortable silences at overpriced restaurants. I don't have to endure the obnoxious giddy anticipation and faux smiles during the "watch Mom open her gifts and let's see who spent the most money on her" after-party.

Although I don't like the commercialism behind nearly every holiday, I can appreciate the concept behind reserving a day during the year to show someone how important they are in your life. Obviously, we should be showing this type of respect most of the year, but sometimes it takes a holiday for everyone to slow down and bestow that gratitude with any clear expression.

As for the long distance relatives, thank goodness for the internet. I don't feel like fighting crowds at the local shopping shops or Mal-Wort (and then the post office). Instead, I will let my fingers do the shopping and send a nice floral arrangement or even easier, a gift card. Mother's Day is one of the easy ones.



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