the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

paid blogging update

My experience with paid blogging continues. PayPerPost just updated their site with a number of new features, including a way to get paid for having other people get paid reacting to your paid posts. Sound confusing? The new update has caused a bit of confusion and the smoke seems to finally be clearing over at the PPP forums regarding all of these "enhancements".

They have also created a new feature in which a "disclosure bubble button" can be placed on your site, within your post, and it works like the popular "lightbox" application that you've probably seen on a few sites. It gives advertisers the chance to have their content included in your post, so that if a user wants to see a preview of the site or product that they are reading about in your post, there it is. There are also a few new signup and "sponsored by" buttons that they are having bloggers use.

So far, I've made about $500 off of my PayPerPost efforts. Definitely not enough to live off of, but then again, I don't exactly post their opportunities too religiously. They don't always have opps that I feel would fit the theme of my blog. I also refuse to post positively about anything that I don't feel positively about. So if an advertiser is requesting a positive review for a crappy site, I ignore it. I'm in the process of having a new blog approved, too, so that should help.



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