the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Sunday, February 11, 2007

online versus traditional media

I recently read an article that stated what I have been suspecting all along - that traditional media groups are starting to worry that online media is taking their place. The stuffy shirts of yesterday's T and radio, for example, are in for a rough ride (all downhill) if they don't figure out how to adapt to internet culture a little better. Adding a blog and online subscription services to your web page just doesn't cut it. They need to take some advice from the Web 2.0 sector and try to incorporate user content into their sites better. Allowing filtered user comments on their articles just isn't enough.

Business (media-based and others) that manage to integrate these new social marketing trends into their existing portfolio of offerings will be the ones who are allowed to survive. For those remaining and swimming against the tide, their non-savvy customers are only getting older and won't last forever.



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