the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Sunday, February 25, 2007

a drop of oil in the hand worth two to Bush. Two American lives perhaps?

Politics has its place, and there are some decent places to discuss the pro's and the con's of the current war. My best advice is to try and find a forum that is about politics instead of trying to hijack someone else's. Or, if you're lucky, you'll find one that moderates the content and keeps the politics in its own little corner for the politically-minded to have their debates. One such site is the News Nation news forum. In their politics section, you can argue until you run out of breath if you like. (There's always a handful of morons with "blind faith" in their leaders who won't back down.)

The nice thing about this New Nation forum is that it provides a common ground for those disgusted with the war to not only sit around and bitch about it, but to try and come up with solutions. There is strength in numbers, and the sharing of information will hopefully result in better leadership from the next election. Internet forums are also a great way to see how the rest of the world truly feels about our actions, unlike how our news media would like to portray things (at the influence of our government, most likely).

At this point, it seems like Bush won't be happy until he has secured the entire middle east for American prosperity. I have seen lots of resistance to the war, but the latest efforts that make the most sense to me are the people with the bumper stickers that say that if you support the war, send your children over there to fight.

It's very easy to say that you "support" the war if it doesn't directly affect your own lifeblood. This is also why some are in support of trying to reinstate the draft. The idea isn't that they really feel like a draft is necessary, but rather that a draft would help to rid our country of unnecessary violence. After all, would everyone have supported this war if they thought that their sons and husbands would be over there fighting it?

It's easy for the "supporters" of the war to try and hide behind the "support our troops" ribbons, but it's not about supporting the troops. It's about unnecessary violence and extremist capitalism, and the further propagation of the rest of the world's contempt for our aggressive American approach at "diplomacy". The best support you could give our troops is a trip back home that doesn't involve a pine box.



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