the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Monday, February 05, 2007

depressed and cold

Last week we received several inches of snow, a rare occasion for this part of the country. It has been cold enough outside that most of it is still there, melting a bit but not enough. As a result, it seems that the entire town is asleep. Normally, things slow down anyways around this time of the year, but in this case, the cold seems to have everyone locked up in their homes, with nothing to keep them company but the internet.

As much as we often feel the need to just "get away" to warmer climate, it is a shame because winter travel is often more stressful than other times of the year. Flights get canceled due to inclement weather, you have to bring more clothing and it takes longer getting through airport security.

I'd love to go someplace warmer and a little exotic during this time of year - not your typical tourist-laden Mexico beach vacation or cruise, but something a bit more exciting or real.

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