the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Friday, February 23, 2007

big number 200

This is my 200th post on this blog. Pretty impressive for someone who grows tired of technological fads quite easily. I guess it's the "writing" part of it that has kept my interest - LOL.

I was actually considering a "career" of sorts in pro blogging, to go along with my other web ventures like affiliate marketing, but I'm just not so sure anymore. I do have several blogs at this point and I have been fairly successful at keeping them updated with fresh content, but every so often I feel like taking a break from it, ands therein lies the dilemma. After all, to be a "pro" blogger, you need to stay on top of things. Your can't let your bloglines subscriptions pile up on you, you need to have regular posts (daily?), and you're supposed to be into each and every new development in the blogosphere. Personally, I just don't see myself growing an evil twin at any point to dedicate that much time to it. But we shall see...

Those who look at blogging at a business are probably able to do these things with little difficulty, but I still have a hard time seeing it as a legitimate "career".



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