wifi defined
Speaking of wifi, it occured to me that not all of my readers might know what "wifi" is exactly, so I have decided to post a link to a quick definition of Wi Fi Hotspots as found on Encyclocentral. This encyclopedia site is a little goofy in the way that it lists its entries, and I think it has something to do with an automatically generated script that is writing the item teasers. This might explain why you have things like this: "JC Whitney finds that J.C. Whitney is among the largest direct marketers of auto parts and accessories."
So wait a minute? JC Whitney finds itself? Huh?
On the brightside, it's fairly easy to navigate and there isn't a whole lot of load time, but I get the feeling that the site was built to support the Google ads, instead of the other way around. Their definition of wifi was pretty accurate, though.
Labels: encyclopedia, wifi
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