the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Monday, January 29, 2007


Here's an interesting take on the whole "science versus religion" debate - it's called Supplementology, and is a new "religion" of sorts founded by a man named Rev. Sidney R. Smith. The religion is broken down into nine "norms", each one covering such topics as free will, spirit and matter, and the everlasting human soul. Rev. Smith even wrote a book on the subject, "Supplementology: Combining Religion with Science".

One of the "norms" is something that has been jokingly alluded to many times in the past: "Paradise and Hell are here and now, they exist only as mankind has created them on Earth and in the minds of mankind." Hence, the term "Hell on Earth" might not be such a farce after all. It's always interesting to see what other people believe in, and for those reaching obstacles in choosing a side in the religion versus science debate, might just be the answer. Check out the Milky Way image on the top of their website - pretty cool with its little star flares peeking through. It's an unusual use of flash, but I dig it.



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