the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


Paypal is a great service for internet purchasing and selling junkies like myself. Unfortunately, there are a few quirks that we all have to deal with, but I am starting to realize that there are creative ways to cushion the blow.

On such issue that I recently ran across was the fact that my wife had no way of transferring money from her Paypal account to my own without incurring a fee. Even though it was coming from her account balance, my account is a Premiere account, and apparently incurs fees regardless of the source. Now, you're probably wondering why we would be transferring money from her account to my own - why not just transfer it straight into our bank account? Well, that's another of Paypal's annoying restrictions. Even though my wife and I share a bank account, we can't have the same bank account tied to both of our accounts. Since I had the bank account in my account first, she couldn't tie it to her account.

However, for anyone else who may be running into this same problem, here's a solution. Create the two accounts - one for your spouse and one for yourself (as we already had). Set one account to be a personal account and add your bank account. Setup the other account to be a premiere account. When you're going to get a non-credit card payment, have it sent to the personal account. When you need credit card payments, send them to your premiere account. This way, you get the perks of the premiere account when you need them, but you can also get non-credit card payments with no fee via the personal account. And when you need to send money to your bank account, you can simply send it from your premiere to your personal account (for free) and then do an automatic withdrawal from your personal account to your bank.

When life serves lemons, make twisted lemonade.



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