the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Friday, January 12, 2007

iPhone unveiled

In case you haven't heard about it yet (and you'd have to be a true luddite like myself not to have), Mac just announced their new iPhone.

Normally, I'm not "taken" by new technologies like this. Lord knows we have enough cellphone bell and whistle technologies coming out on regular occasions. In fact, I have made a conscious decision to try and *not* have a cellphone. So far, the experiment has been going well, for over six months a now. The only times I miss it are when I'm driving on lonesome country roads and thinking about how many miles my car has on it (and how likely it is to act up).

However, this new iPhone is pretty slick. If I had to pick up a new cellphone at some point in the future, and I could afford the $500 pricetag, I would definitely look at one of these things. After p[laying around with Mac's little flash presentation on their website, these are some of the cool new features that make this one stand out:

- built-in iPod, camera, maps, safari web browser
- push button menu for navigation, no "pointer" needed
- phone automatically adjusts display brightness based on available lighting
- screen automatically swivels vertical to horizontal if the phone is turned sideways
- screen automatically shuts off when you hold it to your ear to talk on the phone, saving battery and not drawing too much attention by illuminating ear hair

Like I said, I truly have become something of a luddite as I have gotten older, but this little toy has piqued my curiosity. Check it out if you get the chance and are in the market for a new phone (and can afford it).

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