the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Friday, January 12, 2007

designer jewelry

Recently, I posted a "date night" idea for you "creatively challenged" gents who are looking to impress your lady with a fancy evening out on the town. I mentioned the opera, complete with opera glasses, and of course the obligatory horse-drawn carriage ride.

I also mentioned a "special gift" but didn't go into too much detail. One idea that a friend of mine recently told me about was to buy a wedding band-enhancing piece of jewelry. Many couples get married at such a young age that the bride doesn't always get the ring she truly desired, due to the cost. So, some husbands find that buying a complimentary ring for a notable wedding anniversary present makes for a good "special gift" at the end of a date.

Of course, you could always head out to the typical mall dealers, but I'd personally recommend going for some designer jewelry if you can afford it. One of the big names right now is Michael B, whose work is available on the internet from fine jewelry stores like Calvin's. I discovered their site via PPP and some of their designs are spectacular, albeit expensive. But you get what you pay for when it comes to jewelry.

Three of my favorite designs on their site are:

This ring which would go well with my wife's Victorian-styled ring.

This necklace, because my wife and I are suckers for the fleur-de-lis design.

And this ring, because I haven't seen too many designs that are able to pull off the "chainlink" approach in such a tasteful, elegant, and very feminine way.

Check them out if you are like so many couples who weren't able to get the wedding rings you truly wanted when you were wed, because you were just starting your careers and didn't have the money.



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