360 reviews

In a recent post, I discussed the benefits of performance review software, and how it can often take that "edge" and "grudge" off of the traditional review process. There's a new service called Appraisal360 that I just saw at PPP that sounds like it would work even better.
"Why is it better," you may be wondering. There are two main reasons that I can see. The fist and foremost important idea that they have incorporated into their service is the "360 review" which means that you also get to review your boss, just as they review you. I can't tell you how often this seemed to make performance reviews less intimidating during my last corporate career. They also promote the benefits of continual and/or routine evaluation, something that I had also plugged in my last post about performance reviews. End of the year reviews just don't work, unless they are compiled from routinely recorded performance notes and evaluations. So, I heartily recommend trying out 360 feedback from Appraisal360.
The other nice thing about their service is that it is a "pay as you go" service, so you always get access to their latest and greatest offerings, without having to pay costly software updates.
Labels: performance reviews
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