the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

new Iraq strategy

Bush has decided that he will delay the release of his new "I Rock", errrr...."Iraq" policy until after the new year. For once, it sounds like he is actually figuring out that the majority of the people in this country are no longer with him in his current visions of world (oil?) domination. Either that, or he just didn't want to crush the Christmas spirit of our troops over in Iraq right now, when he pulls another bogus excuse out of his hat as to why they should stay there any longer. But maybe that's giving him too much credit for actually caring about someone else's kids...

I've heard many comparisons with Vietnam, and although we're talking totally different times, I can see some of the similarities. When is enough, enough? How much longer can we beat or drag this dead horse? I think that at this point, Bush knows he made a mistake sending us in there, but to declare this to the public and pull our troops now would be an admission of guilt. I think that the plan all along was to keep troops there permanently to protect the oil interests, but to retain them in small enough numbers so as to not draw attention. Problem is...they're still having so many problems that we are unable to reduce the numbers without losing control.

So, instead, he must create a new, more realistic goal for the troops to achieve so that he can pull them home under a flag of success, perhaps making a deal with some other radical islamic group to take over the oil control of Iraq on our behalf. That's my prediction anyhow, as to what his big announcement is going to be. It's either that or he's going to try and paint an entirely new picture of what we are facing over there, with new reasons to spend more money and waste more lives.

Yes, I'm bitter, but to me, this is still a democracy and I think that the majority of Americans want this thing over and done with. Let's lick our wounds, and learn from our (voting) mistakes.

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