the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

kiss my blog

Not sure if you've been following the recent rash of blogging lawsuit cases popping up in various news reports, but it appears that the right to post personal opinions in a "journal" format (via blog) is now under fire. Like any other medium, the best defense for libel is truth. However, in this case, we are talking about normal "everyday" people posting their own opinion, not political slanted news media resources imposing their view onto the public. However, the "victims" of blog assassination don't care if it's a ten year old, a grandmother, or a character terrorist. All they know is that someone is using the internet, our last "free" medium of "free" speech, to say something nasty about them, and they want retribution.

Personally, I think it's just another case of our first amendment rights being trampled. Sure, it's wrong to intentionally slander someone in a public forum, but a blog is not a "public" forum, so much as it is a journal. I liken it more to an editorial column than a news report. In the past, political officials wouldn't have been worried about sentiments from "little" people since we had no format to publish them (like the internet), and concentrated their efforts on larger news media corporations who stepped over the line. Today, with the popularity of blogs (some arguably *more* popular than traditional news media corporations), they can't help but notice, and they are using their best lawyers to quiet the rabblerousers.

Unfortunately, although I haven't seen too many cases actually being charged against bloggers, the courts will most likely begin to view blogs as any other form of media, and the crimes of libel or slander will begin to hit the blogosphere before too long, making us all think twice before blasting that political candidate next time.

On the bright side, there are a few sites out there where bloggers can turn for questions.

Here's to free speech!

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