the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Friday, December 15, 2006

godaddy - first impressions

If you've read any of my posts thus far, you know that I'm always up for a good roasting, so on the rare occasion that I actually have something nice to say about a company, I try to include it in the blog. This way, I can at least be a "glass is one third full" type of person.

So here goes...

I've known of GoDaddy for a few years now, and their domain registration prices have always been tempting, but I had read a few negative things about them on some hosting forums a while back, and it just sort-of stuck. But recently, I've been reading lots of e-books from well-respected SEO and affiliate marketing experts and all of them had only nice things to say about GoDaddy. So, I had a domain expiring at Network Solutions, and decided to go ahead and bite the bullet and try out GoDaddy.

Before I had the chance to do the transfer, I actually ran across a domain that I needed to pick up, so I decided to do that first, to give GoDaddy something of a "probation" before I did the domain transfer. The domain name registration went very smooth, with no problems. In fact, not only did it go smooth, but I received an actual phonecall from a GoDaddy support person welcoming me as a customer and asking if they could answer any questions. Wow! What made this even more impressive was another statement that they made, "You will always be connected to a service specialist who can speak English." I love it!

All political correctness aside, this is exactly what we need in customer service. After dealing with customer support people at Network Solutions who sounded like they were in India, and who I had a very hard time understanding, it is refreshing to know that there are companies out there that understand that wanting to communicate effectively in unbroken English doesn't make you a racist. I am all for equal opportunity, but please don't give someone a customer telephone interfacing role if they can barely speak English. To me, this is just common sense (and common courtesy).

Aside from that initial contact, my experience with GoDaddy has been pleasant. Their website and customer domain control interface is easy to navigate. Aside from the usual bouncing back and forth between registrar's "authentification" requirements, the domain transfer seems to have gone through without a hitch. Their prices are superb (domains are less than a third of what I was paying at Netsol). I registered another domain with them today.

As for Network Solutions, I still have a few domains registered through them, some of which won't expire for several years, but I won't be using them for anything new. It is interesting to note that when I transfered my domain away from them, they sent me an email and it said to "please give us a call" and that they didn't want to lose me as a customer. Notice the difference here. They asked me to call them, whereas GoDaddy called me to check on my satisfaction. No big deal, really. Given my past experiences, even if Network Solutions had called me, I may not have been able to understand them!

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