the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Saturday, December 16, 2006

blind progress

Since when did progress join the ranks of religion and politics? When did it become part of the do-or-die mentality that, "you're either for progress, or you're against it"?

Why is it that *anyone* challenging any form of progress is immediately labeled as old-fashion, naive, a tree-hugger, or "afraid" of change? Again, this seems to be falling into the same realm as religion, as in...

You don't believe the same *exact* thing that I do, so you're going to suffer unless you change your mind.

I keep getting hit over the head with the "don't swim against the tide" theory, and yet it works fine for the salmon. Sure, many of them don't survive, but that doesn't mean that it cannot be done. And, one could further argue that it is the only reason why their species has managed to survive.

Going out even further on a limb (like the daredevil squirrels in my backyard), I'd like to throw up a theory of my own - that "progress" (as understood by the majority of Americans) is another factor that is being shoved down everyone's throats as being one of those things that you must simply agree with blindly, and never question. Those in charge of implementing progress know best - they have the money, and the resources, and the backing of the government. Who are we to question them?

Most of the "muffling" seems to be coming from the same people who feel that they have the right to run everyone else's lives, and decide what is best for them - the "pillars" of society, to whom we owe our salaries, our time, and (apparently) our unconditional faith and allegiance.

The last time that I checked, this was still supposed to be a democracy with freedom of speech, but the way that I am starting to feel, is it all a facade? Are we truly free to express our opinions and concerns, or is this quickly turning into the Unazi States of America?

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