the truth, the whole truth, the knock you on your butt truth...

Sunday, October 22, 2006

blind progress

Big money finds its way into every nook and cranny in this country. No matter where you go to try and escape the influence of blind progress, it rears its ugly head. Small towns with seeming control over their heritage and a fever for historic preservation quickly show their true colors when a big time developer eyes the town, promising revenue. It doesn't matter that the developer will eseentially change the entire look and feel of the town. It only matters that he who has the money gets what he wants, and that the decision makers who let him get away with it get their kickbacks.

I am feeling quite disgusted right now, as you can tell. The American way of life, with its shopping malls, luxury condos, Starbucks, and WalMarts, is inescapable, even in areas that don't seem like they would produce a profit for these behemoth corporations. It's like a virus spreading to every cell in our American blooded body.

I know that this is nothing new, and that I am by no means a pioneer in anti-corporate sentiment, but I am seeing it firsthand once again and felt the need to react somehow. Sorry to blabber on...


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